Dec 8th 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]MoKode a happy birthday. [Laus]MoKode has become 27 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk
Nov 14th 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]Tha PinK a happy birthday. [Laus]Tha PinK has become 23 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk
Nov 10th 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]Brisling a happy birthday. [Laus]Brisling has become 54 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk
Nov 4th 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]Rednex a happy birthday. [Laus]Rednex has become 25 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk
Oct 11th 2003 - 11:50:35am
Beta 3.1 released
2 months after the Beta 3,0 release, the new 3.1 patch is available. It's mostly a bugfix release, so there are not that many new features. However, most of the known bugs should be addressed by this patch. Bugs like the famous TDM spawn bug has been fixed. There are few weapons tweaks in there as well. Nothing major, just a perfection of the weapons balance. The UMP is now more accurate, the NEGEV is less accurate and less powerfull, and the PSG got more powerfull and was upgraded to an 8 round clip.
A new feature allows you to see how much damage (in percent) you inflict, and how much damage you receive when you get shot. You can enable this by setting cg_showBulletHits 2. You can also see how much damage the enemy has when you get killed. This is enabled by setting g_healthReport 1.
The patch is available here on [Laus]net.dk. Just check under Urban Terror Files. Have fun
By : [Laus]Rednex
Sep 30th 2003 - 10:33:34pm
Intel In-a-box
English version not available.
But you don't want to read the text anyway. I know you just come here to see the pictures
Isn't it a beauty
Close-up of the details. Notice the 'intel inside' logo and the two sticks that tie it all together
The proud creator of the new [Laus]net.dk server
Some cold facts about the new server: - Case: Cardboard box from Midt Data! - PSU: 110W NoName with the fan jammed to make it shut up! - Motherboard: ASUS CUSL2-C - Processor: Intel P3 1GHz - RAM: 512MB PC133 SDRAM - Harddrive: IBM Deskstar 40 GB 7200 rpm - NIC: 3Com 3C905TX-C - CDROM: God knows how slow and unstable it is (but it's working)
By : [Laus]Rednex
Sep 26th 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]MasterEP a happy birthday. [Laus]MasterEP has become 22 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk
Aug 13th 2003 - 08:56:30pm
New Urban Terror starter
I uploaded the new version of the Urban Terror starter software. You need this software if you want to start a game from our server list. It's the same software you need to use servers.urbanterror.net.
By : [Laus]Rednex
Aug 9th 2003 - 11:44:41am
All maps deleted!!
All maps is terminated for the new version of urbanterror 3.0
By : Pingvin
Aug 7th 2003 - 09:48:17am
Urban Terror 3. Game On!
So far everything is looking good for the release of Urban Terror 3 on Saturday, August 9. We are putting the finishing touches on the release, including building the pak file, and testing it in order to make sure we do not run into problems like we have in the past (think 2.6). So far, the development team is quite excited to get this version of Urban Terror released.
We have begun sending out e-mails and asking FTPs and server admins to join us in channels dedicated to receiving the release early. If you have not received an e-mail, then chances are you were not selected. The response has been amazing, more than 300 e-mails have come in from people wanting to either upgrade or host the files for the Urban Terror 3 release. Obviously we cannot accomedate everyone, but will make our best attempts to get many FTPs worldwide.
Lastly, the Urban Radio release party might be in jeopardy. I really will not know until Friday. At that time we will make the determination as to the status of the show which is scheduled to take place hours before the official release .
As mentioned a few months ago, Silicon Ice Development will be in attendance at Quakecon 2003 in Dallas, Texas at the Adams Mark, August 15-17. In attendance this year, Bladekiller, RabidCow, Dragonne, QueenBee, Miles and Oswald. If last year was any indication of the fun and enjoyment we had, this year will definitely be just as enjoyable.
By : Pingvin
Source : Urban Terror