Mar 10th 2003 - 07:36:43pm
Mar 7th 2003 - 11:59:40am
New Levels of Terror
While coding is the inner working many gamers just want to see screenshots and more screenshots, player and weapon models along with levels. Today, as promised here are some upcoming maps that are under development by Tub and Dragonne. Village2 is an update to Village and while touring the level you can see a resemblence. Dragonne has been keeping busy with three new levels, two of which we will show today. Offshore and Filtration are the latest two creations from Dragonne.
These are just a sampling of shots from the level designers. As work progresses on the levels we will share more shots. Most of these levels are being designed with the bomb/defuse mode in mind, as the coders mentioned yesterday.
By : Pingvin
Source : Urban Terror
Mar 6th 2003 - 11:32:55pm
Try-out to the UT-Nationlteam
Try-out to the Danish National Team on sunday the 9th, at 20.00 CET.
Contact [HV]WeeMan on Irc #HV or #UrbanTerror.dk on Quakenet.
If you're not danish, then don't bother!
By : Pingvin
Mar 6th 2003 - 11:29:32pm
27 in butt naked shocker!!! And other news..
Well no.
But he does reveal all in an interview on esreality.com!
'.....What are your future plans for the Urban Terror modification? Well, we're adding a lot of match features in, a lot more bug fixing, we're almost entirely happy with the weapon balance issues now, we've got a built in stats engine coming up, OSP style MVD, and most importantly, over the next few versions we're introducing some new more objective-orientated game modes.....'
Its a great read and the comments have been really cool coming from a site usually based around profesional esports (future of UT?) so check it out
Also in other news we're not often scooped by the official urban terror site (soz guys my fault but really I blame Lord) but:
Oswald brings news about the currunt cycle of UT
'.....As was eluded to, we are making excellent progress as we work our way towards Beta 2.7. You can put all rumors aside, this upcoming release will feature the new bomb/defuse game mode. The first implementation is into internal testing, as Density has been working on the spawn system again, by fixing a command that caused problems in many other entities that we store. HighSea, out newest coder has been working on a plethora of game items, such as bug fixes, radio calls and custom text. Also been coding a substitute system for team based game types (aka team spectator), along with team swapping and a shuffle command. Most recent venture has been into added the 'PAUSE' command that league admins have been calling for since...well way back.
Aside from his interview TwentySeven has been working on implementing the animations CrazyButcher created. We now have individual skin sets per map, so instead of choosing which skin you want to wear, you need only worry about male/female and skin color. There has been some work done on a stats engine, 'we'll be storing two separate stats systems,' says TwentySeven. The first stats system breakdown on a per map basis, in a parsable log file. The other system is on a per GUID basis that will track a users personal stats......'
More details where you least expect it Read the whole interview www.esreality.com/?a=longpost&id=338062&page=1
Oh and if anyone wants to know what weaps tweaks are 'in' so far, they're currently testing: AK more damage (3 shot kill) but slightly slower ROF G36 slightly higher ROF MPK5 no longer kills with one bullet to the head
After they get through with the autos they'll move onto the snipers. (Higher MP on the SR8 and the PSG getting its critical hits back)
By : Pingvin
Source : Deadllamas
Feb 21st 2003 - 06:21:32am
Feb 12th 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]Freshman a happy birthday. [Laus]Freshman has become 28 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk
Feb 8th 2003 - 09:04:30am
New map
New map posted for download. The map is Toxic by DUF KNI3IEN AKA IVR.
By : [Laus]Freshman
Feb 4th 2003 - 12:15:11am
Feb 2nd 2003 - 12:13:31pm
Jan 31st 2003 - 12:00:00am
Happy birthday !
The [Laus] Clan wishes [Laus]Pingvin a happy birthday. [Laus]Pingvin has become 28 years old - what a mess
By : [Laus]net.dk