These girls don't play nice!!

Dansk English



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Aug 23rd 2002 - 09:35:28pm
Friday, August 23 Urban Radio
Join us on Urban Radio beginning at approximately 3:15 p.m. PST (2015 GMT). This is the post-Quakecon edition with your host, Oswald. We will discuss what happened at Quakecon, including a short chat with Robert Duffy and more.
By : Pingvin

Aug 21st 2002 - 11:50:52am
QuakeCon is over!!
Whew....only took about 12 hours, but I am finally done. I have completed our Quakecon2002 Diary. It is full of information in a daily format, including some 350+ pictures, along with comments. Be prepared to be entertained for quite awhile, as this is NOT a short diary. Hope you enjoy it, as much as we had fun at the event. Thanks.
By : Pingvin
Source : UrbanTerror Forums

Aug 18th 2002 - 10:29:18am
New map
New map posted for download. The map is Small Tequila by elbibi-deask.
By : [Laus]Freshman

Aug 17th 2002 - 05:18:57pm
New map
New map posted for download. The map is Boardwalk by fourdee[4d].
By : [Laus]Freshman

Aug 16th 2002 - 07:18:30pm
New map
New map posted for download. The map is Power by Servinal.
By : [Laus]Freshman

Aug 16th 2002 - 06:42:24pm
YAY Maps!!
Uhh things goes fast in HV. The new CTF mapcycle will feature these maps: Paradise, Eagle, Desertville, Druglord2, Rommel, Docks, Sliema, Abbey, Riyadh, Proving Ground Nite, Subway. The usual maps will still be voteable. Do you have any suggestions - post a message on da tagwall or ask us in #hv. Capturelimit will be 8, but there will also be a timelimit at 60 min due to some games where 8 caps takes 100 mins.
By : Pingvin
Source : [HV]

Aug 16th 2002 - 01:15:24pm
Housevallas clan server
As many of you know housevalhalla has their own server. This server has been a team survivor server a long time. As we have begun to practise a bit CTF the HV server will almost always be CTF as there is a lot of others team survivor servers out there as the ones offers. The good thing about housevalhallas server is that its almost cheat free as there is almost always an HV player in there, when there is activity and/or we are easy to find on #hv on quakenet. If you want new maps (not betas) post a message on the tagwall and we will get into it.

The server can be found here: and if you haven't got the map currently being played visit our fellow quakers on to download the newest maps.
By : Pingvin
Source : [HV]

Aug 15th 2002 - 12:47:19pm
Quakecon is now on the link page.
By : Pingvin

Aug 14th 2002 - 12:31:25pm
Warning to all mappers out there... from now on, finding that texture you want will be dangerously easy!
By : Pingvin
Source : UrbanTerror Forums

Aug 13th 2002 - 12:08:12pm
Urban Terror - Gameboy!
Get the info on the Urban Terror Forum:

By : Pingvin
Source : UrbanTerror Forums
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